
Inner Journey is a place to explore how to live life more consciously, moment by moment, and to understand that you can expand beyond the framework and knowledge of what you think you are. If you ask, why are things the way they are; can we change things in our life, and around us? The answer is “Yes,” based on New Thought philosophy. You may have heard the phrase “Change your thinking, Change your life.”

My name is Lynne Heygster. I’m a licensed minister with the Centers for Spiritual Living, a New Thought philosophy that teaches the premise that when we change our thinking, AND learn to recognize what our feelings are in the moment, we CAN change our life, our perception of life around us, and even how things turn out. Its about understanding the science, the mechanics and quantum nature of thought. Not just believing but knowing this is true. Please visit the home site. www.csl.org

I’ve been interested in metaphysics since I was in my early teens. About the age of 5 or 6, sitting in an old Methodist church with my grandmother, watching the minister perform the fire & brimstone sermon of God’s wrath, I asked her, “why is God mad at us?” Of course she looked at me like I was crazy and obviously with no answers prepared. I knew somewhere deep inside, even at that point that God was not mad; Source does not get mad. Once into my adulthood and had more time available I became deeper involved in metaphysics, meditation, spirituality, energy healing, and earth practices. When I discovered the Science of Mind philosophy it opened me up to a new truth of how everything is connected and that Source (or God or whatever is the proper name you choose) is that power in the Universe that is greater than we are, that we can use intentionally to improve our lives. Its in the power of the word.

I don’t always think about the relevance of my past in relation to where I am in the moment, but this is a good place to do that. I am a Reiki master of the Usui path of training. I have trained in foot Reflexology, energy field massage, and hospital chaplaincy with four completed units of CPE (Clincal Pastoral Education) thru ACPE. I facilitate weddings and funerals and am available in the Denton, Fort Worth and Dallas area. And trained in Spiritual Mind Treatment; a specific form of affirmative prayer taught in the Science of Mind philosophy, founded by Dr Ernest Holmes. I have a Masters Degree in Consciousness Studies (MCS), with the Certificate in Ministerial Education from Holmes Institute, Centers for Spiritual Living School of Spiritual Leadership based in Golden, CO. I will complete my path to Ordination in the summer of 2021.

I am based in Justin, Texas and facilitate a Teaching Chapter group the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month in a darling cottage located at 115 N Snyder Ave in Justin, at 7:00 pm. It is an open format for the time being. Each time we meet we start with sharing where each person is in the moment of their lives and do they have questions about the life around them; what are they experiencing. In some circles the topic of the current event of ascension, ascension symptoms and the connection to spirituality and awakening comes up; something I love to address as people are ready. The second half of the meeting is teaching the points of why what we focus on expands in our lives, spiritual principles & practices, meditation, and a study of the depth of Oneness. All of this and more, will be presented to help you create your own freedom formula for living through feelings. Not ready to tap into your feelings? That’s ok. Don’t let that stop you. We’ll learn about the power of our words, and how Thought + Feelings makes the difference. And, there’s so much more.

My Teaching Chapter is a satellite of the Inner Journey, Centers for Spiritual Living Teaching Chapter based in Oklahoma City, with Rev Suellen Miller as Senior Spiritual Director. www.inner-journey.org

Welcome to my site. We are new, so please excuse our dust as we continue to build.

What People Say

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

J. K. Rowling

Action inevitably involves some change in our behaviors. … [or] We develop clever ways to avoid taking action. … When actions are accompanied with positive thoughts and expressions of love, we are able to manifest and achieve our desires.

Dr Norma Milanovich & Dr Shirley McCune

Let’s build something together.